Supporting our Heroes at Home

Supporting Our Heroes at Home

General Motors has a long history of supporting military veterans. GM was the only automaker singled out as a top employer for veterans by the Military Times and is a supporter of the national Hiring Our Heroes program. Hiring Our Heroes is a Chamber of Commerce program that helps find meaningful employment- not just minimum wage gigs- for military families across the country. The initiative goes beyond a simple database, offering job training programs and mentorship opportunities for veterans who may never have worked as a civilian before. 

In keeping with this proud tradition, GM teamed up with the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Detroit Tigers, and more than 50 local businesses to hold a Hiring Our Heroes job fair and workshop last month. Job seekers could upload their resumes for employers to view before the event began. A free employment workshop was offered before the career fair portion of the event, with volunteer coaches helping applicants develop an “elevator pitch” to use when approaching tables at the career fair help afterwards.

GM Diversity Officer Ken Barrett called the Hiring Our Heroes program “a ‘win-win’ for our company, veterans and their families”, pointing out that GM and other employers benefited from having access to a pool of talented veterans.

Heidebreicht Chevrolet agrees whole-heartedly. In addition to hiring veterans at our Washington, Michigan showroom, we offer exclusive military discounts as a way of giving back to our heroes. Stop by to check out our specials. Let us make you a win-win deal, too!

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