keep calm and win prizes

Subscribe to Heidebreicht Chevrolet’s Infomative e-Newsletter in Romeo, MI

keep calm and win prizes

We get it at Heidebreicht Chevrolet. We really do. You’re incredibly busy, just like everyone else. You want to keep up with what’s going on at our dealership, but who has time to logon to the website every day? When you sign up for our Chevrolet e-newsletter, you don’t have to. We gather all of the news you care about in one location and deliver it right to your email inbox. It will be there waiting for you when you’re ready to sit down and read about the latest automotive news from the comfort of your Romeo, Michigan home.

What Kinds of Tidbits Can You Find in Our Newsletter?

Our newsletter may be only one page, but it is packed full of information. Here are some of the stories you can expect to see regularly:

  • Information about our latest and greatest deals, such as Auto Show Bonus Cash. As an e-newsletter subscriber, you have the opportunity to participate in our monthly raffle by correctly answering a question that we print in it. When you email us your answer, it automatically qualifies you for one raffle entry. Carly, our most recent winner, was all smiles when she picked up her four tickets to the Auto Show yesterday.
  • Profiles of several different vehicles we have in stock. With the turn of the calendar to 2015, we’re excited to show off our new models. If you’re excited too, you can click to schedule a test drive right from your newsletter.
  • Car care tips. Let’s face it, everyone needs these. We try to make them as seasonal and timely as possible, such as our recent article on winter car care.
  • Details on regular events we hold at the store, including our clinics for new car owners.

Now that you know all about our newsletter, we’re sure that you won’t want to miss another issue. Go ahead and subscribe now to Heidebreicht’s e-newsletter while it’s fresh on your mind. We look forward to seeing you around.

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