It was a long winter in many parts, and car owners everywhere are gearing up for the spring and the summer. Heidebreicht Chevrolet Service understands this, and wants to remind vehicle owners that spring is often “tune-up time”. It’s common to forget how much stress we put on our vehicles during the winter, and it’s important to remember that keeping them in top shape means a regular tune-up. Even if a tune-up was done in the middle of winter, the wear and tear on a vehicle can take a toll on it, so to make sure that your vehicle is ready for the best months of the year, take a moment and schedule an appointment for your spring tune up.
What Winter Can Do to a Vehicle
Winter can take a toll on every part of a vehicle, whether it’s the engine, the joints, or the transmission. Getting an oil change alone is good when you are in warmer weather, but after a protracted winter, it’s so important to get a tune-up and make sure that your vehicle hasn’t sustained weather damage besides what is typical. Making sure that your car or truck is in top shape before the warmth kicks in will solve countless problems later. By contrast, not doing so may reveal deeper damage later that is much more expensive and cumbersome to repair. Often, ice damage can go far deeper than expected into a vehicle so you want to make sure there has been no winter damage to your car’s mechanical system.
Take the time to click the link above to schedule an appointment with Heidebreicht Chevrolet Service and make sure that your vehicle is ready for the challenges of the warmer year ahead. You’ll be glad you did, and your car or truck will thank you with smooth, stress-free driving.